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A List: 40-Something Things I've Learned About Life

I turned another year older this month, and I’m reflecting on some of the life lessons I’ve learned over the course of the past four decades, through many chapters, and wrong paths that eventually led to the right ones.

On a personal note: all of these blog posts have been written with my girls in mind - no more than this one. We are never guaranteed another day so here's to hoping what they say is true, "what goes on the internet, stays on the internet" and these words will be here whenever they need them.

1.       Small steps practiced consistently lead to big changes.

2.       You are the product of your daily habits.

3.       Your entire life can change in a second.

4.       Suffering is a choice. Only you can decide what breaks you.

5.       Mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow, not reasons to give up.

6.       Instant gratification is killing your drive, your dreams and your dopamine.

7.       Being good to other people is not a guarantee they'll reciprocate. That's on them, not you.

8.       Want to boost self-confidence and self-esteem? Be true to your word and start keeping the promises you have made to yourself.

9.       There’s no greater waste of time than justifying your actions to people who have a life you wouldn’t want.

10.   Your problems are not special in their severity or pain. Problems and solving them are an inevitability of being alive. If you don't solve your problem on the first try, they'll wind up on repeat until you do.

11.   There are a lot of powerful businesses built on you believing you are not enough – not smart enough, not pretty enough, not good enough, not wealthy enough. Always remember you feeling flawed is good for business. You're not flawed, you're beautiful and uniquely human.

12.   When people don’t have problems, they invent them.

13.   If you find yourself getting worked up over trivial things that don’t matter, chances are you don’t have much going on in your life. Find something positive to do.

14.   A walk outside will cure almost anything.

15.   You are 100% responsible for your life – take accountability.

16.   You only get one life. Live it.

17.   Always choose quality over quantity in everything – relationships, chocolate, shoes, everything.

18.   The path is never straight – it’s filled with ups and downs, detours, zigzags, and backsteps.

19.   It’s always ok to say, “I don’t know,” “let me think about it,” and “no.”

20.   Self-sabotage looks like: making excuses for unhealthy habits, staying in your comfort zone, breaking promises to yourself, and staying in relationships that aren’t good for your mental health.

21.   Minor issues become major issues over time – don’t wait to repair them.

22.   Sometimes you have to let people down to be happy.

23.   Don’t wait to do the things that you want to do.

24.   Stop staying in situations and relationships longer that you need to.

25.   Don’t allow people’s negative energy to throw you off when it has nothing to do with you.

26.   Life is short and if you’re not careful you’ll do all the things you “have" to do, and you’ll run out of time for the things that light you up.

27.   When people show you who they are through their actions, believe them.

28.   Love doesn’t mean much without presence, kindness, respect, trust, support, and appreciation.

29.   Feeling too wrapped up in yourself and your own problems, read a book and walk in someone else’s shoes for a while.

30.   The best medicines: sunshine, fresh air, clean water, sleep, exercise, gratitude, and whole foods.

31.   If you wouldn’t treat someone the way they treat you, let them go.

32.   Learn to be your own best friend. Be loyal, non-judgmental, kind, your biggest cheerleader but be the first to call yourself out on your own bullsh*t.

33.   Do not expect the truth from people who lie to themselves.

34.   An apology should always include changed behavior.

35.   Celebrate your wins even if they’re microscopic. Celebrate then keep going.

36.   Be a person that creates a life – experience new things, have adventures, and go after your dreams.

37.   Strong women have class, boundaries, self-respect and standards.

38.   It’s the little things in life – the fresh spring air after a long winter, the leaves falling, hearing “I love you no matter what” from the people you love most, a good cup of coffee, the health of you and your loved ones, making something with your own hands and imagination, flowers in a vase, a good night’s sleep, books you can’t put down, a talk with a good friend.

39.   There’s magic everywhere, you just need to open your eyes.

40.   Don’t play the losing game of consumerism.

41.   Healing and growth are not random luck, they are daily choices.

42.   Progress over perfection every time, in all things.

43.   Begin and end your days with thoughts of gratitude especially on the hard days.

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