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I used to love these types of posts from bloggers, experts and influencers until they became prime examples of gross consumerism and a sneaky way for everyone including big pharma to push their products and false information. So, I'm bringing this monthly series to our blog because (1) I think it's important to share resources and products (some are even free, gasp), and (2) we need to demand truth and integrity from the people in our real life and online.

L O V I N G.

There are so many healthspan benefits when it comes to regular strength training. It's great for maintaining bone density, supporting mental and metabolic health and has been shown to be powerful fighter against chronic illness like cardiovascular disease and diabetes. A recent study finds women who lift weights two to three times per week live longer and have a much lower risk of dying from heart disease compared to women who don't.

My problem with strength training was going to the gym. My time spent there was not efficient or effective. I was not getting a good workout. I didn't have a plan, and I had no idea where to start. I decided strength training wasn't for me until I discovered Caroline Girvan on YouTube. Her workouts just hit all the blocks for me - I can do her workouts in our small home gym with just a few dumbbells and resistance bands, I'm always sore the next day, the time commitment is minimal usually just 20-30 minutes, and she doesn't talk during the workout (I don't do motivational "trainer" talk). Find her YouTube channel here.

R E A D I N G.

It's no surprise I love to read. I carry a book with me most places. My Amazon cart is filled with recommendations from fellow book lovers. Luckily, it's one of the few addictions that according to science is actually worth acquiring. Studies have shown that a consistent reading habit improves sleep, significantly reduces stress and gives you the same health benefits as a meditation practice. A University of Sussex study found that enjoyable reading for a total of six minutes daily reduces stress by 68%. It's also a proven and powerful tool against anxiety and depression. I just finished up this 5-star read and highly recommend it.

L I S T E N I N G T O.

Calley Means, big pharma and food industry whistleblower, who has been making the podcast rounds. I have had to pick my jaw up off the floor multiple times. I knew the system was corrupt, but I could have never imagined the claims he is making. It's like the real-life President Snow of the Hunger Games. He has a soon-to-be-released book called Good Energy co-written with his sister, Casey Means, a Stanford-trained physician who became frustrated with the band-aid approach to healthcare. You can pre-order it now, but I promise to give you a review in a future post. You can click on the link below to listen to his talk with Dr. Mark Hyman or click here to find a list of the podcasts he has been a guest on.

E A T I N G.

This recipe from Low Carb Love has been added to our weeknight dinner rotation. It's quick, healthy, easy, customizable and delicious.

W E A R I N G.

Over the past couple years, we have been more intentional about the products and chemicals we bring into our home and put in and on our bodies. We are constantly researching and swapping out our regular products for healthier options including clothing. After it was discovered that many of the major clothing brands including Lululemon, Nike, The North Face and Athleta were found to have dangerous levels of BPA and PFAS (forever chemicals) in their products, the search was on. Pact has been a favorite swap of mine. They use organic cotton in all their products from underwear to leggings which claims to contain no toxic chemicals, the quality has been fantastic, and the price point is far more reasonable. It's a win-win-win. (Psst, they're currently having a sale on their underwear.)


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